Naomi Nana Mattary
4 min readNov 20, 2023

The second day found me awake. It was beautiful having seeing people go to sleep in the tents. Talking about sleep, this place we sometimes escape to. This place that with no nightmares, it brings peace that transcends all understanding. A place we all have to go to at some point and time in the day. A beautiful place most of the times. Some say it feels like you are half death. But the morning, the morning brings charms of its own. Seeing everyone waking up was such a charm. I can’t explain the feeling as much as I can’t explain how I felt, brushing my teeth staring at the giraffes that were so close, I felt I could touch them. The beauty of that is unexplainable and it is such a normal thing to do when you live in Serengeti. This brings me a whole back to what’s really the definitions of success if such small sweet moments bring unexplainable joys, and yet we have to travel for miles to go get them. And yet we are so far away from them. But can’t we give ourselves sometime to explore. Our countries and ourselves. Out of the normal. Out of the routine. Its TZS5000 per head sleeping in Serengeti. That’s for a Tanzanian and you may be in a tent alone or with two other people if you choose to travel on the peak months. But, if this is the case, why is it that even the middle income earners who can clearly afford this, do not make the time to visit this place. A place that I can guarantee you of enjoyment. What do we know that we choose not to go? Or is it that we don’t know what we don’t know, and you can’t know Serengeti unless you have been in Serengeti. You can’t explain the beauty of Serengeti sometimes even If you have been to Serengeti. You can crave for it, but all your imaginations remain so low comparing to the experience you will have if you dare to go. My challenge was to remain awake in the middle of the afternoon as there was no much sleep taken at that night. After breakfast, we moved to explore every animal you can think of. That is in Serengeti, we had a chance to see them. I know everyone has known of the BIG FIVE, but that was my first time understanding the big five of the jungle and how it makes so much sense. Of course the Lion, the Elephant, The Leopard, The Buffalo himself and the Rhino. We saw it all. This was the one full day we would be there, we had to see everything. The hippopotamus, the crocodile, the great migration, the zebras, the giraffes, the and all animals. We almost missed the cheetah, and to our surprise, on our way home, a cheetah stood us up, meaning it was on the road and of course we had to stop. Watched on how tall/long it was. I can’t stress enough that whatever imaginations you have, whatever you have seen in TV, please find time, make time to have this experience. I can proudly say, it’s a shame if you are a Tanzanian, from middle income standard earning, and somehow you have not made time to visit the planes of Serengeti. It is not well with our country if we ourselves are unaware of places people spend days traveling to visit. We sleep on our beauty. Complaining about other things instead of maybe just making time each weekend, to visit a single place, in your own country, your own people, who continue to receive visitors from other countries. Not understanding then, why they can call us brothers, for we are never there, but those of a different background, are the faces that are familiar. People who have grown to learn English, through visitors from other continent. Been able to put food on their table, due to what they earned when someone from a different nation, came to pay a visit. I am not calling anyone out, but shame on you who call travelling in your own country expensive. We have been given the best options there are. Let us support our fellow brothers. Those who still take care of our lands. Those taking care of what we call tourist attractions. It has always been our choices not to visit these places. Not knowing one visit could mean a meal to another. I challenge that choice of not visiting our own homes. I hereby challenge everyone annual routine. As a friend said, shake your day a little. Do something new. Visit that place you never knew.

I am glad I did that. Went to visit a place I never knew. For trust me, I have not even touched Ngorongoro Crater yet.

